What a thrill it is for me to return to play a recital on the magnificent Schlicker Organ at Occidental College.

As I walked into Herrick Chapel a few weeks ago — after a 14-year absence — for my first practice session, I was reminded of taking the same steps to teach my first organ lesson as College Organist in 1981, at the age of 24. I’m quite sure I was as nervous as the student that first day.

My tenure at Oxy was so deeply fulfilling and challenging. The dozens of organ students I taught over the years were inspiring. Besides teaching these students, the early years were focused on conducting Chapel Choir — the music department’s choral ensemble that led weekly Protestant worship for several years.

My annual evening recitals and numerous mid-week noon recitals were a blast. And it was fun to collaborate with full-time music faculty colleagues in their lectures and to perform on a regular basis with the famed Oxy Glee Club.

Being able to spend so many hours of teaching, practicing and performing at Occidental was a joyful honor for 23 years. The increasing demands of my position as Director of Music at All Saints Church, Pasadena, led me to leave my post at Oxy in 2004.

So it is wonderful to return, after 14 years, to my dear old friend and musical companion, the Mildred Miles Crew Memorial Organ in Herrick Chapel.

Music Professor Edmond Johnson extended this performance invitation, and the recital is in connection with Music 261: “Music and Culture, 1600-1789.” The recital will feature brief introductory remarks by Dr. Johnson. I hope you can attend.

Organ Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries
James Walker, organ
Saturday, October 13 at 4:00 PM
Occidental College Herrick Chapel
Event details

Download the recital poster.
JamesWalkeratHerrickPoster.pdf (128 downloads )