Update for May 20, 2015: The application deadline has now passed and we are delighted with the number of excellent submissions for the position. The search committee for the Associate position met on May 9 to review the letters, resumes, references and recordings of the top applicants, and upon careful consideration, a consensus was formed in taking the next step in our process of on-site auditions and interviews.

All Saints, a progressive and dynamic 4,000-member Episcopal church located in Pasadena, CA, is seeking to fill the part-time position of Associate Organist-Choirmaster (average 25 hours per week). The mission of the music ministry is to lead the All Saints community in liturgies that glorify God—moving the heart and challenging the mind—all with great variety, color and reverence.

To support this, two adult choirs and five children’s/youth choirs (totaling more than 250 singers) prepare and offer the finest music in a variety of styles and expressions, ranging from gospel, jazz and world music to traditional Anglican repertoire and full-scale orchestral/choral works. The choirs have performed for local, regional and national gatherings of AAM, ACDA and AGO, and were the only church-based choirs invited to perform Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 with the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2012 under the baton of Gustavo Dudamel.

Download the job announcement

AllSaintsPasadena-AssocOrgChm-JobAnnc2015.pdf (91 downloads )

Responsibilities include:

  • Accompany the adult choirs for all rehearsals (Wednesday and Thursday evenings, plus retreats, dress rehearsals, etc.); conduct part rehearsals; direct and play in Director of Music’s absence.
  • In conjunction with the Director of Music, prepare and play voluntaries, hymns, service music, choral accompaniments, etc., for the principal Sunday liturgies (9 and 11:15 a.m.), evensongs and festival services.
  • Assist the Director of Music with liturgical planning, music arranging/copying, collaboration with other departments, pastoral care of the choirs, and general Music Department administration.
  • Work as team member with the Associate for Liturgy and the Director of Music to develop and lead additional new liturgies (current and future).
  • Oversee the maintenance of the Schlicker organ (1962; 4 manuals/84 ranks; 1992 Turner console); Steinway, Baldwin and two Yamaha grand pianos; three Yamaha console pianos; Hubbard harpsichord; and Korg synthesizer.
  • Participate in Music staff and full staff meetings.
  • Perform with the adult choirs at concerts, tours, etc.
  • Accompany the children’s/youth choirs for liturgies or special programs, as needed.

The Associate Organist-Choirmaster will report directly to the Director of Music. She or he must have:

  • a master’s degree in music, preferably in organ performance, or the equivalent;
  • excellent musicianship and technical ability at the keyboard, with a thorough knowledge of organ literature of all periods;
  • understanding of and facility in leading a variety of hymn styles;
  • improvisational skills;
  • extensive performing experience as a soloist and with chorus and orchestra;
  • conducting ability and experience, while not the primary focus of the position, is required;
  • experience in leading multicultural liturgies or an openness of spirit to be trained to do so.

He or she must have excellent relational skills, working as a team with staff and volunteers, and as a partner with the Director of Music in building strong choir communities.

Being committed to an ongoing process of multiculturalism, we encourage applications from women, persons of color, and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons. We are an equal opportunity employer. Full benefits, including health and dental insurance and pension, are provided. Compensation will be commensurate with AGO guidelines.

If you are interested, please send your résumé and a letter about yourself, a list of references and a CD of your organ playing (a fugue by J.S. Bach; a contrasting piece from the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries; the hymn “Love Divine, All Love’s Excelling” – Hyfrydol — introduction and 3 verses) by May 1, 2015, to:

Christina Honchell
All Saints Church
132 North Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101
FAX +1 626-796-4749