I’ll be on a silent retreat Tuesday through Friday, August 26-29. I had a similar experience in 2007 – an 8-day silent retreat. Rilke’s poem “God Speaks to Each Of Us” became central to that extended period of silence. While that was an unforgettable and deep experience, eight days was a long time!

Three days feels very attractive right now.

I hope to unplug from electronic devices, as much as possible, and to use this time to focus myself for the exciting fall season, beginning with the Canterbury & Coventry Choir launches next week, All Saints Homecoming the following week and Los Angeles Bach Festival rehearsals the week after that.

These three days of silence will also afford time to read and concentrated time to study musical scores for upcoming services and performances.

I’m thrilled that in the flurry of all the exciting things that are happening, that I had the presence of mind to schedule this time of reflection and renewal. It seems like a really good idea, and I invite your prayers.