Sharing Your Gifts

It has definitely been a rich journey. And, as I started a draft of this talk, writing about highlights of these 30 years, it became clear to me that those milestones are not what this time has been about. Most everything really comes back to my call to ministry, which I learned when I was a kid. Recognize your gifts and the gifts of others; cultivate and nurture those gifts; and share them with others, to the glory of God. This is what has sustained me through continuous change and transitions.

The details of my vocation have changed. I couldn’t possibly foresee certain directions my career would take, such as studying Afro-Cuban drumming and incorporating that into worship. I never imagined myself being co-director of our inspiring Youth Choir for eight years. But the vocational foundation has remained constant.

I do love playing and conducting concerts, and I sometimes miss the uniquely energizing work of teaching on a college campus, which I enjoyed for more than 20 years. But preparing music and offering that sung prayer in worship with the community is the deepest thrill. The footsteps of parishioners coming to the altar rail mingled with the gentle words of “The body of Christ”, as we sing a well-prepared, beautiful anthem, becomes a tapestry of prayer that is unparalleled in my experience.

The choirs of All Saints have achieved an admirable reputation in the Los Angeles arts community. I’m proud of the fact that we’ve appeared with the Los Angeles Philharmonic on numerous occasions, and I’m thrilled when professional music organizations have invited us to perform for their national conferences.

But while I deeply appreciate that recognition, I experience the most joy every Wednesday and Thursday night, bringing two communities of singers together to work intensely on music, always striving for excellence, always raising the bar, sharing our concerns and thanksgivings and praying together — and then coming together with the larger All Saints community, week after week after week, to offer the fruit of our labors to the glory of God.

Sweet hour of prayer, indeed.

I’ve worked with many different staff members over these 30 years — priests, musicians, custodians, program directors, administrative assistants — all of whom have touched my life in some way with their unique gifts. Some were more fun to work with than others, and though I take our work here very seriously, I have found it invaluable to keep a sense of humor and to laugh often.

I’m particularly grateful for all the musicians, lay and professional, who have given so freely of their time and talents to make our worship so vibrant. And I’m grateful to entire All Saints community, for the love, nurture and challenge I have received over these many years.

Thank you all … and thanks be to God.